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About Us is an online forum where you can share knowledge. It is a virtual space where you can freely post your question and be assured that you will receive at least one answer to your question.


We have created this website to increase and share knowledge worldwide. Our mission is to help people connect with each other and share and access knowledge. Others who are not posting a question can reply to a question that they feel they know the answer to or simply browse through the questions to improve their knowledge and or get some answers to those niggling questions at the back of the head.

There is no limit to the number of questions that you can ask nor the replies you can provide or expect to receive. It is just a common forum where people can share their individual perspectives to various topics. This also helps build connect, network, understand each other better and everyone is empowered with this vast plethora of knowledge.


The questions could be anything from sports, politics, world events, important life decisions, medicinal information, remedies, solutions to various queries, how to use certain products, reviews of certain products or services and much more. It is a great initiative to bring people from different walks of life to answer the same question posted on the site. It also helps to get a different person’s perspective and understand how things work and how people think across the world. Sometimes we are unable to get clarity to certain issues and need an objective view point. This forum serves that very purpose and a lot more.


To get a fair idea of what we do we recommend that you simply browse through our website and get a feel of what people are currently talking about. You can create an account with us by signing in and simply click on ADD QUESTION. Your question could be answered by anyone anywhere in the world. It is a wonderful experience knowing that there are so many people in the world who think alike across the world. It brings the world closer and makes it seem smaller. It is also a nice way to meet people especially if you get the solution or reply that you are looking for. Some replies may not suit your question or they may provide an answer that shows a completely different perspective but all the same, it is good to hear different viewpoints. It broadens your perspective to life as well.


At pqfau, we aim to do just that, help you broaden your scope of thought and understand yourself or find solutions to your immediate concerns. We hope you have an enjoyable experience at our forum and hope to see you use it continuously. We have made it as seamless as possible for you to browse through, post and enjoy. For any queries regarding using our website or any other information, please get in touch with us and we will be glad to help you out in any way possible.