How are dates useful to us?


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Dates are excellent for people suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency and mouth ulcers. They are popular all over the world and grown extensively in tropical climate regions of the world. They are high in calories and fiber and excellent for people looking t gain weight.

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admin 2022-04-11T04:51:52+00:00 1 Answer 5 views 0

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    Dates are excellent for people suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency and mouth ulcers. They are popular all over the world and grown extensively in tropical climate regions of the world. They are high in calories and fiber and excellent for people looking t gain weight. They contain antioxidants such as flavonoids, carotenoids, and phenolic acid that help fight diseases and help promote brain health. They also promote natural labor and hence are good for pregnant women. They are known to be good for bones and regulate blood sugar levels. But too much should be avoided especially if you are diabetic.

    Dates help relieve constipation and treat intestinal disorders. They are good in the treatment of anemia as they contain high iron levels. They help in curing allergies as they contain organic sulfur and hence are excellent for people suffering from Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis. They are excellent for those who are unable to gain weight. They boost energy levels and keep you energetic for longer periods of time. Dates also help maintain nervous health as they are packed with vitamins. They also promote heart health, treat sexual weakness and night blindness.

    Dates help relieve alcoholic intoxication. They are good for the treatment of diarrhea. They help fight certain cancer and are good for digestion as well. There are many interesting ways to eat dates and can be consumed daily in limited quantities. The best dates are available in the middle-east market. They are pure and untreated like in other countries. Some of the dates are adulterated and are sweeter than the fresh and pure variety. These may have been sweetened externally. To be safe, buy the ones that are available in middle-eastern countries. Dates are seedless and with seeds. You can choose one that suits you best.

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