How to know if you are in the Right Job ?


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Job satisfaction is soon becoming a clichéd term as more and more people are dissatisfied with their jobs. If we push ourselves into a mold where we are unhappy with our life, then we will find a million reasons to be unhappy about everything.

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admin 2022-04-11T06:28:21+00:00 1 Answer 131 views 0

Answer ( 1 )


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    Job satisfaction is soon becoming a clichéd term as more and more people are dissatisfied with their jobs. If we push ourselves into a mold where we are unhappy with our life, then we will find a million reasons to be unhappy about everything. The contrary to this is finding happiness in whatever you do and making it work for you as best as possible.

    People soon forget how difficult it was to get that job they desired as they settle into a comfortable work environment. Soon there’s gossip and negativity floating around and comparisons start becoming the order of the day. The grass will always be greener on the other side, but we need to get out of our petty mindsets and realize that we are each doing what we are capable of and let’s keep it that way.

    It might help to some extent if people do not discuss salaries and perks but that is unavoidable. Most people talk to each other just to know how much the other guy is making. The curiosity is high for mundane information like this rather than what value adds each employee can bring to work. Even women feel that they are being misrepresented at work and demand promotions and pay hikes and so on. It may be true to some extent, but what each of us needs to do is some sort of self-evaluation first, before we can target the organization unfairly. Just be fair in what you ask for and be sure you are right. More importantly, if do have issues at work and feel that your job is not doing justice to you in some way, the best approach would be to speak to your managers or superiors and letting them know before it goes out of hand.

    No job is the best job. Be positive and stay focused when you find the right job for you and try to sustain it as it is extremely hard today and will be harder in the future to get a job.

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